"Well done is better than well said."

Fotocredit: Plan International

2016-December - Benjamin Franklin could have been thinking about our company's efforts to make the world just a little bit better when he uttered those words of wisdom. One small deed is worth a brief mentioning, though: In December 2016, Vincotech donated €12,000 in lieu of our traditional seasonal gifts to business partners.

The money went to support a Plan International vocational training project in central Java, Indonesia, where about one third of 15-to-24-year-old young adults (80 % of them are women) are not gainfully employed and few are ever given the chance to learn a trade. Many are exploited as unskilled laborers in farming, the textile industry and as domestic help, or married off at a very young age. Young migrants and women with disabilities find it even harder to earn a living.

This project aims high in the hopes of affording that at least 90 % of disenfranchised young women and men get the opportunity to acquire the skills needed to find a job commensurate with their qualifications and aspirations. For more information about this project please see the Vincotech-partner-page at Plan International.

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