Vincotech Presents Three Additions to its Fleet of Ride-on Toys to the Förderzentrum Förderschwerpunkt geistige Entwicklung

November 4, 2014 - Vincotech had the opportunity to redeem a voucher worth €2,083 presented during this year's summer festivity at the Förderzentrum Förderschwerpunkt geistige Entwicklung and extend the school's fleet with three new children’s vehicles.
The children at the center had been waiting impatiently under warm autumn skies in the schoolyard for the three race cars to be rolled out. When they finally arrived, Vincotech GmbH Managing Directors Joachim Fietz and Eckart Seitter handed the cars over to the children with Headmistress Angelika Kuchler-Mauerer and the school's assembled faculty in attendance. With the students standing by eager to start their engines, Mr. Fietz gave the signal and the cars set off on their first schoolyard rally. The kids loved all the action as the crowd of youngsters cheered the drivers on and took turns riding throughout the school break. The Unterhaching school's principle Ms. Kuchler-Mauerer thanked Vincotech on behalf of the children for the company's social commitment. Mr. Seiter emphasized that the firm will keep in touch with the special education center. "Let us know if you need further assistance. We will be happy to help. And we'll back to lend a hand with the summer festival, at the latest."