Vincotech supports Zeltschule e.V. with a donation of € 2,000

We appreciate the work of the association very much and would like to contribute to giving children in crisis areas a perspective for their future. We believe that education is the key to change. With our donation we would like to contribute that children in crisis areas have a chance for a better future.
Zeltschule e.V. makes a valuable contribution to combating the causes of flight in Syria & Lebanon

The association "Zeltschule e. V." gives Syrian refugees, who have been living under inhumane and undignified living conditions in temporary camps in Syria for over a decade, a perspective for their children. The association builds schools and provides food for the families. Since 2016, Zeltschule e.V. has built 45 schools for over 11,000 children in Lebanon and Syria and provided over 50,000 Syrian refugees with food, drinking water; medicine and firewood every day. In this way, the association is making an active contribution to combating the causes of flight.
To learn more about the association, visit