One of Vincotech's most popular housings, flow 0 is widely used for all kind of applications as it is compact and provides a huge amount of different topologies. We equip it with components from a variety of suppliers. This flexibility and the flow line's superb efficiency-enhancing features make it a very attractive proposition indeed.
Pins may be positioned freely to achieve the optimum semiconductor layout with short bond wires and superior switching behavior. Options include Press-fit and solder pins, an improved thermal version based on AlN ceramic, and phase-change material for the thermal interface.Housing dimensions
- Height: 12 mm / 17 mm
- Lenght: 66 mm
- Width: 33 mm
- Fast, easy assembly
- Widely used standard housing
- Several versions / mounting options:
- 12 or 17 mm housing height
- Clip-in
- Screw assembly for solder and Press-fit pins - Variable pin position for very low inductivity
- Compact, baseplate-less format
- Convex pre-bent DCB for improved thermal connection
- PCM is available
- Widely used standard housing
- Several versions / mounting options:
- 12 or 17 mm housing height
- Screw assembly for solder and Press-fit pins - Variable pin position for very low inductivity
- Easy assembly
- Compact, lightweight, baseplate-less format
- PCM is available
- Convex pre-bent DCB for improved thermal connection