/ 产品新闻 2025-01 Taming the future Pushing the leading edge of PV & ESS further 更多 2024-06 Taking WBG to the next level New fastPACK 1 GaN 2-in-1 更多 2023-12 PUTTING EFFICIENCY FIRST FOR YOU The new full SiC 3-phase flowPIM 1 + PFC for power ranges up to 11 kW 更多 2023-11 不只是普通的半桥模块 新款flowDUAL E3 SiC - 可为您的大功率应用提供更高的可扩展性 更多 2023-10 深度集成,提高功率 三相 flowPIM 1 + PFC 适用功率最高4.5 kW 更多 2023-09 超越标准 新款三相 flowCSPFC S3 SiC – 直流快速充电桩PFC最佳解决方案 更多 2023-08 More power, less space PD6xF58 flowNPC 2 - the path for higher output power 更多 2023-01 全面提升太阳能系统的性能 flowNPC, flowANPC, flowFC - 适用于1500V光伏系统的行业领先产品 更多 2022-12 The Best Fit 1200 V MiniSkiiP® PIM 2 and MiniSkiiP® PIM 3 up to 50 A @ 25°C 更多 2022-10 启航新时代 flowPIM® S3 + 3xPFC系列模块 – 高达11kW功率范围内的最佳选择 更多 产品新闻 / 公司新闻 2025-01 Vincotech rolls out base-plated flow E3BP housing for next-gen systems Thermal performance & power density maximized for tomorrow’s renewable… 更多 2024-12 Vincotech gives €12,000 Christmas gift Funds go to Plan International Germany to get young Ecuadorians off to a better… 更多 2024-09 Vincotech sponsors TSV Haching for the third year running The Unterhaching-based company extends its support for the local volleyball team… 更多 2024-06 Vincotech’s PCIM booth raises €15,000 for project Proceeds go to Plan International to help young Ecuadorians off to a better… 更多 2024-06 Vincotech at PCIM – EMPOWERING YOUR IDEAS Vincotech to present GaN and other advanced technologies at the PCIM tradeshow… 更多 2024-06 Vincotech and Semikron Danfoss renew cooperation agreement for MiniSKiiP® packaging technology Vincotech, a supplier of module-based solutions for power electronics, is… 更多 2023-12 Vincotech为马拉维教育项目捐助12,000欧元 旨在帮助解决马拉维贫困地区女孩的教育问题 更多 2023-08 Vincotech to extend cooperation with TSV Haching Stepping up its sponsorship of TSV Haching München’s Bundesliga volleyball team,… 更多 2023-06 Vincotech’s PCIM booth raises €15,000 for Ukraine project Proceeds go to Plan International to help children affected by the war 更多 2022-12 Vincotech donates €15,000 to relief initiative Proceeds go to Plan International Germany to help children affected by the… 更多 公司新闻 Stay informed with our newsletter Learn more about our company and our product innovations. Sign up